The Service is Tenrikyo’s most important rite as it is the fundamental means for the path of single-hearted salvation. In its primary sense, it refers to the Kagura Service conducted in the Inner Sanctuary of Church Headquarters, but it also includes the Dance with Hand Movements, which is known in Japanese as the “Teodori”.
The Kagura Service is a re-enactment in principle of God the Parent’s providence at the time of creation. Ten Service performers encircle the Jiba-Kandodai and symbolise by hand gestures the principles of God the Parent’s workings, by which humankind and the world were created. The Kagura Service is the means by which we call forth God the Parent’s blessings of universal salvation, whereby the world will be reconstructed as the world of the Joyous Life.
Following the Kagura Service, the Dance with Hand Movements is performed by three men and three women on the dais in the Main Sanctuary. Both the Kagura Service and the Dance with Hand Movements are joyously performed by the dancers moving in unison to the Mikagura-uta and in harmony with the music of the nine instruments.
At Church Headquarters, the Autumn Grand Service is performed on 26th October in commemoration of 26th October 1838, the day on which the Teaching was founded. The Spring Grand Service is performed on 26th January, commemorating 26th January 1887, the day on which Oyasama withdrew from physical life. The Monthly Service is conducted on 26th in each of the other months. In addition, the Oyasama Birth Celebration Service is performed on 18th April, and the New Year’s Day Service on 1st January.
Local churches perform their annual spring and autumn grand services as well as monthly services on days sanctioned by Church Headquarters. These services have a deep significance since they are performed by receiving the truth of the Jiba and the truth of the Kagura Service.
Following the seated service, the Dance with Hand Movements, comprising the Yorozuyo and the Twelve Songs, is performed.
In addition, morning and evening services are conducted everyday at Church Headquarters and local churches. Church Headquarters sets the times of the morning and evening services based on the times of sunrise and sunset while local churches set their own specified times.
The morning and evening services are conducted to the accompaniment of four musical instruments: wooden clappers, cymbals, large drum, and gong. All people present are encouraged to sing the first three sections of the Mikagura-uta while performing the hand movements.
At the morning service, we express our gratitude for the gift of life given by God’s complete providence, renew our resolution to work spiritedly in accord with the divine intention, and pray for blessings to keep us in good health and free of troubles. At the evening service, we reflect on ourselves, thank God the Parent for guiding us through the day, and ask God for continued blessings tomorrow.