The Sazuke, or the Divine Grant, that we presently receive is also called the “Sazuke of Hand Dance” or the “Sazuke of Ashiki-harai”. It is to be administered to those who are suffering from illness to request God’s blessing of a recovery.
When God the Parent accepts the sincerity of the person administering the Sazuke and the sincerity of the person to whom it is being administered, any wondrous salvation will be bestowed.
The truth of the Sazuke is granted on request to a person who, through attending the Besseki lectures, has purified the mind and resolved to work for single-hearted salvation. A person who has received the truth of the Sazuke becomes a Yoboku. The word “Yoboku” means “useful timber” or building material for the construction of the world of the Joyous Life.
Our mission as Yoboku is to dedicate ourselves sincerely to the construction of the world of the Joyous Life by administering the Sazuke and conveying the teachings of Oyasama to others.