“Tenrikyo Oceania Centre” was established in Brisbane, Australia when Rev Masafumi Adachi was appointed as its head on 26th July 1997, not only “as a facility to be used in sprinkling the fragrance of the teachings and helping others be saved”, but also “as a place where care and guidance should be provided for people who live in the community”.
After the Centennial Anniversary of Oyasama which was observed in 1986, Tenrikyo in the Oceania region, especially in Australia, developed year by year: for example, the first Tenrikyo church was established in Melbourne; fellowships were opened in Sydney and other cities; and the number of Yoboku and followers gradually increased. With these facts, a demand for the establishment of a Church Headquarters’ centre was growing larger and larger. Then on 14th December in 1997, the “Dedication Service for Tenrikyo Oceania Centre’s Opening” was splendidly conducted.
In April 1997, Tenrikyo Young Men’s Association coincidentally set out “Australia Mission” as part of the commemorative projects for its 80th Anniversary, and decided to construct the “Tenri Youth Hall” within the precinct of the Oceania Centre in order to promote the Australia Mission. Then, on 8th June 1998, the following year, the practice service, the completion ceremony and its celebration party, commemorating the completion of the Tenri Youth Hall was conducted in a splendid manner respectively with the honourable presence of the Shinbashira and Mrs. Harue Nakayama, with about 200 followers assembled.

On 30th September 2007, ten years since the establishment of the Oceania Centre, the Tenrikyo Oceania Centre’s 10th Anniversary was observed with the presence of the Shinbashira and Mrs. Harue Nakayama, and the anniversary service was spiritedly performed with 180 followers who assembled from within the diocese, where all of the followers in the diocese started to walk in unity of mind toward the next milestone.